Governing Board

SIAMS 2019 found that,

'Leaders’ innovative thinking makes a difference to the way the school transforms the lives of its children. The passionate Christian leadership of the headteacher, drives the vision forward. She is supported by knowledgeable and committed governors. The vision ensures all are actively engaged in doing God’s work. Pupils say ‘It makes us succeed and fly.’ Continued professional development impacts strongly on all staff and governors. This leads to innovative practice in school, and beyond. Staff have developed as future school leaders. Governors rigorously monitor and evaluate the school’s vision and effectiveness as a church school. The robust systems governors adopt to conduct their business, ensure this excellent school continues to evolve and improve.'

Members of the Governing Board at St. Michael's are appointed to their postions by one of the bodies linked to school ie. the parents, the PCC, the Local Authority, by the Rt Rev the Bishop of Middleton for the Diocesan Role, by staff, or are ex-officio such as for the Headteacher and Vicar. Elected positions have a term of office lasting 4 years. In 2022 Governors agreed to repurpose the co-opted post as a post to specifically enhance the diversity of the board.

Our Chair is Mr John Knott who was appointed to the role in October 2023 after serving two years as vice-chair. He can be contacted via the school office.

The Structure and Responsibilities of the Governing Body

In a Voluntary Aided School like St. Michael's Bamford, a majority of the governing board is made up of Foundation Governors, who are appointed by the Church with a duty to include maintaining the Church of England character of the school in their overall governance. The Vicar or Priest in Charge of a parish is automatically a foundation governor.


The Voluntary Aided School Governing Board are the employers of the staff. Staffing is paid for from the delegated budget under very similar terms and conditions of service to all maintained schools.


Voluntary Aided Schools are their own admissions authority. Annually they must decide on their admission arrangements, and consult other admissions authorities and the Diocesan Director of Education when there are substantial changes. However, like all other authorities they are bound by the Admissions Guidance from the Department for Children Schools and Families, which is designed to produce fair and understandable admissions. Nevertheless, the Guidance permits Voluntary Aided schools to admit children on the grounds of the parents’ or the children’s’ practice of their faith and the details for this are decided by the Governing Board.

Committee Structure

In addition to termly meetings of the Full Governing Board, committee meeting are held, also termly, to look in greater detail at the various aspects of leading the school. These committees are:

  • Staffing and Finance
  • Curriculum and Pupil Welfare
  • Buildings

There are also committees for admissions, complaints, teacher pay awards and others that meet as needed during the school year. Information considered and policies reviewed in committees are then agreed by the full Governing Board.

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