Head Teacher Mrs Melanie Barratt
Deputy Head Teacher Miss N Lamb
Nursery Mrs Caulcutt
Reception Mrs Pepper
Year 1 Miss Nolan
Year 2 Mrs Doyle
Year 3 Miss Wright
Year 4 Miss Kenny
Year 5 Mrs D'Costa
Year 6 Miss Lamb
Music Teacher and subject leader: Mrs Willis
Leadership Roles:
EYFS Leader: Mrs Caulcutt
SENDCo: Mr Helm
English Leaders: Miss Lamb (reading and writing) and Miss Kenny (phonics)
Maths Leader: Mrs Caulcutt
RE Leader: Miss Lamb
Collective Worship Leader: Mrs Barratt
Curriculum Team for Art, D&T, History, Geography, PE: Mr Helm (TLR), Mrs Doyle, Miss Nolan, Miss Edge, Mrs Barratt (HT)
Curriculum Team for Computing, French, PSHE/RHE, Science, RE: Mrs Caulcutt (TLR), Mrs D'Costa, Miss Kenny (TLR), Mrs Pepper, Miss Lamb (DHT)
Support Staff
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Rush, Mrs Syeda, Mrs Bradley, Mrs Jahanghir, Mrs Houghton, Miss Rothwell, Mrs Pedder, Mrs Hoyle, Mrs Brayshaw, Mrs O'Hanlon, Miss Bevan and Mrs Obafunwa
School Administrator: Mrs Redfern
Adminstrative Assistant: Mrs Abbott
Caretaker: Mr Bolton
Cleaner: Mrs Wallis
Lunchtime Supervisors: Miss Bevan (Nursery), Mrs Jahanghir (Rocket Club), Mrs O'Neill, Mrs Wallis, Mrs Begum, Mrs Pedder, Mrs Houghton, Mrs O'Hanlon and Mrs Hoyle
Kitchen Staff: Mrs Marshall, Mrs Gallop
What our parents say... (Parent Questionnaire April 2021- If someone asked me about St Michael's I would say...) The nursery teaching staff are wonderful. They are kind and supportive they communicate with parents well. They keep us updated about what children are learning and I feel they go above and beyond. Their children will be well looked after and educated to a high standard. It's a fantastic school, they have been amazing throughout the covid pandemic, the only school I know to have still done a Christmas nativity despite everything going on. My daughter loves school, myself and her dad are over the moon with the love [my child] has for her school/teachers and friends. We can't wait for our youngest daughter to attend in a few years. We really cannot recommend the school enough. St Michaels is a small Christian led primary school that tries to cater for every child's needs. The school and staff are excellent and encourage children of all backgrounds, learning capabilities and needs. I would tell them it was an outstanding school, I have faith and confidence in the teachers. [My child] is very happy at school and he has been able to keep a routine throughout covid thank you St Michael's is a lovely inclusive school that I wouldn't hesitate to recommend. All staff dedicated, caring and approachable. |