For details of the Rochdale LOCAL OFFER for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, please click on the link: Our school SENCo is Miss V Kenny who can be contacted by telephoning school on 01706 369339, by emailing or by post at our school address. |
Ofsted, May 2024, judged school to be Outstanding and stated:
The school has the highest expectations of pupils in every aspect of school life, including their achievement. Pupils are proud to maintain these high standards and achieve highly. The climate of warmth, care and compassion develops pupils’ confidence and makes them unafraid of mistakes. Pupils behave well and are highly respectful to staff and each other. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) thrive in the welcoming and supportive environment.
Pupils with SEND are identified quickly and supported very well. Teachers make sensitive and effective adaptations that enable these pupils to successfully progress through the curriculum alongside their peers.
SEND Coffee Morning Drop Ins We hope to see you at one of our Parent Coffee Mornings to discuss your child's progress and provision and to network with other parents. You can drop in to our coffee mornings at any time between 08:30 and 09:30 on Friday 4th October 2024, Friday 6th December 2024, Friday 7th February 2025, Friday 4th April 2025 and Friday 6th June 2025. |
Parent Questionnaire 2021: 'If someone asked me about St Michael's I would tell them...'
St Michaels runs on tradition and high expectation. The staff are warm and friendly and have the children's best interests at heart. They are inclusive of need and over the years have clearly adapted to meet the needs of their children .
St Michaels is a small Christian led primary school that tries to cater for every child's needs.
A great school who always puts the children's best interests at heart. Parents are greatly valued. A school where opportunities are limitless.
The school and staff are excellent and encourage children of all backgrounds, learning capabilities and needs. Some parents could do to remember that not all children are the same and encourage their children to embrace these differences and help children rather than ostracise and complain.