School Meals
There are two options at St Michael’s School – school meals or packed lunches. The cost of a school meal is currently £2.60 per day. Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to universal free school meals whilst the government continues to subsidise their school meals. Children in Nursery, Years 3, 4, 5 & 6 have to pay for meals. We use School Gateway (an online payment service) for parents to pay for school meals and other services.
All food is freshly prepared on site by St Michael’s Cook and Assistants. We provide high quality, healthy food which meets national nutritional requirements for schools. The small number of parents who opt for packed lunches are asked to provide their children with a meal based on healthy principles. We are not able to provide cool storage for packed lunches. Packed lunches must not include fizzy drinks or glass bottles. Any child who brings a packed lunch must leave any food that is not eaten in their packed lunch bag and take it home. It is not to be thrown away in school.
Your child must be committed to having either school meals or packed lunches for a full half term. They will not be able to change part way through the half term. If your child would like to change their meal arrangements for the following half term please notify the school office in advance of the change. It is not possible for a child to have a combination of school meals and packed lunches. Children in Nursery and Reception who may be trying school meals for the first time will be able to swap to packed lunches during the half term if they are not eating their school meal.
If your child forgets their packed lunch and needs a school meal please ring or inform the office first thing in the morning.