Nursery 2024 - 2025

Mrs Caulcutt

Welcome to Nursery! 

This website page will be updated regularly to ensure you have all the information that you need to support your child throughout the year.

Our Topic for Spring 1 is 'People who help us and Winter' and Spring 2 is 'Space, Spring and Easter'


Class Teacher: Mrs Caulcutt

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Bradley


Do I need to provide my child with a snack:

No. Your child will be provided with a healthy snack, milk and/or water.

If your child requires an alternative to cows milk then you may provide that for your child. 


What do I need to bring into nursery for my child on a daily basis?

*Full school uniform

*Black velcro school shoes

*Waterproof coat/wellies

*Hat, gloves, sun hat - weather appropriate 

*Spare clothes

*Nappies/pull ups and wipes if appropriate 

*Packed lunch if you do not require a school dinner 

*All clothes and belongings labelled 

*Please use either a reading packet or PE bag to bring in your children's belongings 

*No PE kit needed



Please check your child's learning journey regularly on Tapestry. This is a great way for you to see what your child is doing in school.

Please don't forget to share photgraphs and videos with us on Tapestry so we can see the wonderful things your child is doing at home. 


Stay, Play & Share:

Keep a look out for our next Stay, Play & Share sessions!



Cosmic Kids Yoga

Dough Disco

Squiggle Whilst You Wiggle

Numberblocks Number 5


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