Reception 2024 - 2025

Mrs Pepper

Class Teacher: Mrs Pepper

Teaching Assistants: Mrs O'Hanlon and Mrs Pedder 


Welcome to Reception!

Here you will find out about all of our learning. Our topic for Spring 1 is 'Dinosaurs' and Spring 2 is 'Transport'.


Important Information:


Reading Books:

Please ensure that reading books are brought to school everyday. Your child will read to an adult once a week in school. Your child will come home with a new sound sheet every time they learn a new sound in school. We strongly recommend that you read with your child for ten minutes each day and practice their sounds. 

Reading books need to be brought in school everyday and will be given out on a Friday.



This term we have a PE session once a week. On week 1 PE is on a Wednesday afternoon and on week 2 PE is on a Friday morning. PE kits are kept in school and sent home at the end of each half term. 



Snack will be available for your child to have throughout the day. They will have the choice of a variety of fruits and milk or water. Children also have access to their waterbottles and a water fountain throughout the day. 



Please check your child's learning journey on Tapestry. This is a great way for you to see what your child is doing in school. Please don't forget to share photographs and videos with us on Tapestry so we can see the wonderful things your child is doing at home.


Stay, Play & Share:

Keep a look out for our next Stay, Play & Share sessions! 



Cosmic Kids Yoga:

Numberblocks Number 10:

EYFS - Exemplification Materials:

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