Year 4 2024 - 2025
Miss Kenny
Welcome to Year 4
Class Teacher: Miss Kenny
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Houghton
Helpful information:
Week 1-
- Monday
- Wednesday
Week 2-
- Monday
- Thursday
Please ensure that children have an outdoor PE kit (tracksuit and trainers). Earrings must be removed or the children are required to bring their own dressings to cover them.
Reading - Reading at least 3 times a week (preferably with an adult, discussing plot, setting, characters, etc). Reading books will be given out on Friday to be returned on the following Thursday so they can be changed ready for Friday.
Maths/English - This will be issued as and when neccessary to support learning.
Times Tables Rock Stars – Please ensure that children are practising their times tables on TTRS for at least 3 times a week.
Ed Shed - Please ensure that children are practising their spellings on the 3 games set each week. We will be having a spelling test each Monday to check and apply our learning.