School Uniform List
Uniform based around Grey, straight leg trousers | Uniform based around Grey skirt or pinafore |
Red v-neck sweatshirt with school logo or red v-neck sweatshirt or pullover | Red v-neck sweater or cardigan with logo, or red v-neck sweatshirt or pullover |
White school shirt | White school shirt |
School tie | School tie |
Grey socks (no logos) | White socks or grey tights |
Black shoes | Black shoes |
Optional from Easter to October: |
White short-sleeved shirt Grey shorts |
Red and white checked dress Red or black sandals (‘school-style’) |
PE/ Games kit Black shorts |
School uniform may be purchased from department stores, supermarkets, and items with the school logo and ties from Blakeley's in Heywood, or online at MyClothing.com and Monkhouse on Drake Street in Rochdale has closed but they still stock our uniform at their branch in Bury.
School ties and book bags with the St. Michael’s logo can be purchased from the school office.
All children need a coverall for art activities – an old shirt is ideal.
Outdoor coats are essential in all seasons and should be appropriate for the weather.
For health and safety reasons, jewellery is not appropriate in school. Plain stud earrings only may be worn but MUST be removed for PE and Games.
Watches may be worn from Year 3 onwards but they must be an appropriate style and function for school. They are the responsibility of the pupil. Watches must be removed for PE and Games.
Hair decorations must be of a reasonable size and in school colours – red, white, grey, black.
Haircuts must not be ‘extreme’.
Long hair must be fastened back in school.
Nail varnish, coloured hair and make up are not appropriate for school.